Congratulations, Employees

URE employees were presented their diplomas for Leadership Edge and Leadership Excellence. Pictured above: Anthony Smith, URE CEO; Marty Nicol, operations manager; Brent Ransome, engineering services manager, and Matt Zarnosky, COO/VP engineering & Honda affairs

Last December, 27 employees from 16 different entities, including Ohio Cooperatives, the Mone Plant, and Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives (OEC), completed the 3rd Leadership Edge program presented by OEC.

URE’s Brent Ransome and Marty Nicol have graduated from Leadership Edge, which hones the skills of the next generation of electric cooperative leaders.

The 1-year Cooperative Leadership Edge program was hosted by Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives and required six courses, 2 assessments, and a capstone project. Coursework focused on coaching employees, managing conflict, adapting communication approaches, carrying out difficult conversations, and delivering results.

Brent’s capstone project focused on creating an atmosphere of trust within his department. “Being new to URE, I wanted to make sure my department knew they could come to me with any issue, big or small, that their concerns would be heard and addressed, and my door was always open,” he says.

“I’m happy to work for a company that continually invests in the education and development of our employees. I’m especially proud of Martin and Brent for their willingness to learn and develop new skills, and for their commitment to continuous education,” says Anthony Smith, CEO of URE.